Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Important tool to use and understand in the World of Entertainment....Copyrighting!!!

     Hello World! I'm back for another intriguing entry into the world of Real to Reel. Last week I was discussing formatting for a track with up and coming, North Carolina hip hop artist, Keyahna Shanelle, she posed a question about copyrighting her work and other questions about copyright laws in general. I explained to her that my main focus within the entertainment field was mainly film and video but I couldn't resist finding out more about a general topic that circulates throughout the world of entertainment no matter the specific industry of it.

     So I began browsing and researching the world wide web and came across a few sites and podcasts from credible resources about Copyright Laws, Copyright Infringement, and Copyrighting materials within the entertainment industry. Here is some information on them for you to check out:

1. Duke Law Podcast - "Copyright Liabilities"
    Information on Ecology Lecture Services
    Professor Jessica Litman
    March, 30, 2007

     Within this podcast, Jessica Litman, a Professor at the University of Michigan Law School, speaks about   how Copyright Laws give the "freedom", which she calls "copyright liberties" to enjoy and not exploit copyrighted material. She also touches on the importance of having your work(s) immediately copyrighted not only for the protection but for the protection of generations' enjoy to come. She I gained the aspect and understanding that one's original work whether visual, audio, or print must be protected with for the importance of history and science.

2. Entertainment Law Update Request - "Monkeying around with Copyright Law"
    Gordon Firemark, Esq.
    August 19, 2011  copyright-law/

     In this particular podcast, the speakers, Mr. Firemark, Esq. and Ms. Bennett, discuss past (actual) cases as examples of copyright laws being enforced, copyright infringement, and other possible issues with copyrighting. The cases give clear and informative examples of how the copyright laws and practices apply within the world of entertainment on many different (artist, management and executive) levels. This podcast definitely gave a sense of insight as what to be mindful of as I enter the business and entertainment industries. I have to ensure that I protect my work(s) as well as research any possible similarities of my business plans and structures to others to better protect my assets as well as my investors.

3. Intellectual Property Colloquium - "Copyright Termination"
    Doug Litchman, UCLA School of Law

     Within this podcast, Peter Menell, Professor of UC Berkeley, and David Nimmer, author and copyright guru, discuss the practices of modern day copyrighting. The speakers give an historical account of the development of copyrighting and its changes and practices from past to present (which most wouldn't know has not been around that long). Included within the discussion was the topic of "termination rights" ,which was very new to me, of copyrighted work(s) and how the author possess the rights to terminate the contract of copyright 35 years after the contract has been signed to sell their work(s) if desired. (Side note: Any work that is copyrighted is protected for the life of the original author plus 70 years.)

Final Thought:

     These podcast are very informative and will hopefully answer your questions about copyrighting as they did my own. So I will now be taking my newfound information back to my friend and hopefully give her better understanding for protecting her work(s) as well as my own. The questions that I had over the years as far as copyrights go have been cleared up and now I will use them to build a stronger foundation for my business plan, strutcure and dealings.

Until the next time...this is KB and this has been Real to Reel.