Thursday, May 24, 2012

Full Sail's EBMS Program: Training the Entertainment Leaders of Tomorrow

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am proud to tell you that I have completed my Graduate program at Full Sail University. CLASS OF 2012!!! I have created a presentation on my reflection of the Entertainment Business Master's of Science program over the past year. I would like to thank each of you for taking the journey with me and please take a look at the presentation by clicking on the following link.

Link to Presentation:

In my theme of this blog, I like to give ratings and I definitely give the EBMS program 5 stars out of 5 for development and curriculum interaction provided for the student.

Thank you for your time and attention. This is KB and this has been Real to Reel.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hasbro's Battleship

Well Ladies and Gentlemen,

I bring another special blog from Real to Reel. This particular blog will be somewhat sentimental to me because it will be my last blog post under the Entertainment Business Master’s of Science program with Full Sail University (Class of 2012!!!). I have achieved my goal of completing a Post Graduate program in my desired field of Entertainment. In this post, I will discuss a few current issues with the film industry that has caught my attention.

I recently viewed Hasbro’s Battleship film this past weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Being prior military, I naturally scanned the movie for flaws in continuity and poor portrayals of naval personnel, which I didn’t find. What I did find was a well-written script and overall well produced film based upon a popular board game. I actually forgot the film was centered on the board game until the closing scenes of the movie. This film was definitely one worth the price of admission.

I give Hasbro’s Battleship 4.75 stars out of 5 for great story development and effects. They did such a good job with Transformers and continued the successful method with this film.

I am noticing the latest films that have been released have been adaptations of various muses. We have seen our favorite superheroes and childhood fairytales come to the silver screen in more than one adaptation in recent years. There have also been film adaptations of popular video games and now we can add popular board games to that list, which I thought would stop with Dungeons and Dragons. Don’t even try to count the number of book turned film adaptations that we have witnessed in the past 18 months.

Honestly, I am not complaining about this method because I have been enjoying its results. What I am referencing the fact that we (the audience) need more originality because we are becoming accustomed to remakes. For example, how many of us have seen Spiderman, Batman, and Snow White unaccountable amounts? Yet we cannot wait for the new version (film) to premiere because of the new twist that Hollywood has put on the film. Being the film fanatic that I am, I simply feel that Tinsel town needs to hear my voice, as well as others, and know that we crave originality and for them to actually execute.

Thank you all for taking this journey through Full Sail University with me and faithfully reading my blog post. Although I have finished my program, I will continue to post on this blog weekly.

This is KB and this has been Real to Reel.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Marvel's Avengers: Heavy Hitting Blockbuster (In more ways than one!)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am back with another movie review post. This time I have the pleasure of discussing Marvel’s Avengers, which is currently in movie theaters. The film has already broken records after its opening weekend to become the biggest selling film during it opening weekend.

Marvel’s Avengers, in my opinion, was definitely NOT a waste of time or money. I make this statement with the up most confidence. It may even have been one of the best films that I have seen in the past few months. I was so intrigued by the previews for the film that I went to the midnight screening to see it before everyone else. From the beginning to the very end (an by the term “end” I mean the “continued” ending) I was lost in the world of Avengers. I could not believe that there were not any dreadfully slow parts to this film as there should not have been.  As a matter of fact, if you stepped out to go to the concession stand or the restroom you would have missed a piece of vital information.

As I sit here describing my thoughts and experiences of the film, I ponder whether I should give you (the reader) a basic overview on the storyline of the movie or just dive in and give you a full description of the film. So after quickly pondering about my decision, I think the basic overview will do for right now. Being that it is such a great film I do not want to spoil it for you (the reader).

The storyline to Marvel’s Avengers is the point where all the team members of the once defunct (before it ever actually started) Avenger’s program assemble. Those members being Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. For the die-hard Avenger fans, like myself, there are no references to the other original members such as Black Panther, Wasp, and Giant Man from the original comics. The Avengers face an ill-hearted Loki, Thor’s brother, whom wants to take over the world and rule it as his own. Loki and the Avengers face off in an epic battle over the fate of the Earth as cliche as it sounds.

I cannot state enough how eye-catching this movie is for the audience. The movie definitely sews all of the previously released character storylines together. It also leaves the audience wanting more and speculating about the remaining films within the Avengers franchise. I leave you with two points for this film. First of all, GO SEE THE FILM…SOON! Lastly, make sure you keep and eye out for the Hulk and his antics.

This film definitely gets 5 out of 5 stars for the completeness of the action, storyline, comedy, drama, and everything else that the film has to offer.

This is KB and this has been Real to Reel!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Want to Start a Business? Start with the Business Plan: Part 2

In my last post, I expressed that I am currently taking a class in Business Plan Development and nearing the end of my Post-Graduate studies at Full Sail University. I also told of my desire to become a successful entrepreneur within the entertainment industry and wanting to develop the best possible business plan that I can for my company. In desiring to develop the best business plan for my company I researched two individuals, Mr. Nathan Furr and Mr. Paul Heyworth that emphasize the importance of developing a fully established business plan.

Mr. Furr caught my attention because he speaks about focusing primarily on developing a business model process for my company before focusing on the business plan itself. I found this piece of information to be very valuable because how else would I be able to create my business plan if I am not sure how my business will operate. So I began constructing my business model and its process of
operation to give me a better sense of my business. By doing this, it was very easy to develop my business plan.

Mr. Heyworth deals with the finance side of the business sector but endorses the importance of having a business plan just the same. He also expresses that having a business plan cannot be overlooked even if a person is not seeking finance and is important if only benefiting oneself. After reading this, I began to develop a business plan with every section from the executive summary to the budget to the fullest extent and as if my life depended upon it (just a statement). Mr. Heyworth also made the point about business plan giving possible investors the confidence to invest in my business. I find this very important because it relates the business plan to my business as a resume to myself. I wrote my business plan with an outline to give it an identity to be precisely and clearly recognized by the possible investors.

Lastly, after developing my business plan I believe that possible investors will be interested in the identity and originality of my company. They will be most interested in the Company’s mission, Industry Analysis & Trends, and the budget of the operation. Investors will want to have a clear understanding of my company through the company’s Mission. They will want to know that I have a clear understanding of the industry and how my company will fit within it from the Industry Analysis and Trends. Lastly, the investor will want to inquire about how their money will be spent and paid back via the budget of my business plan. I believe that the sections will be what the investor will desire to view most of all.

In conclusion, I have learned much more than I ever possible imagined. Not only have I learned persistent amounts of information for developing a business plan but gained a large amount of understanding for it as well. I feel confident about my company and myself from my business plan.

This has been Real to Reel and I’m KB bringing you another informative post.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Want to Start a Business? Start with the Business Plan.

So I am nearing the end of my Post-graduate studies at Full Sail University and I am currently studying “Business Plan Development”. Although I am fairly excited about nearing the end of my learning process, I am much more interested in developing my business plan to become a successful entrepreneur within the entertainment industry at this time. I have been reviewing “experts” takes on having a well-documented business plan for the past week and chose two established people to blog about this week; Mr. Nathan Furr and Mr. Paul Heyworth.

            I want to focus on their feelings on the importance of having business plans being that both have been in the realm of business for quite an extended period of time. In short, I want to know what simple fundamentals of business they carry around with themselves on a daily basis.

            I discovered Mr. Nathan Furr because I am an avid reader and came across his published blog about, you guessed it, “business plans”. Mr. Nathan Furr currently teaches entrepreneurship at BYU and received his doctorate from the Stanford Technology Ventures Program at Stanford University. In his blog, “Burn Your Business Plan!” Mr. Furr speaks strongly about having a business model process before having a business plan. According to (Furr, 2012), the business model process is more important because it recognizes all business aspects, which should be tested and learned, to become and stay successful.  After which should the business plan be produced to reflect the business structure derived from the business model process. He does not state that the business plan is useless but rather that it should be done after reflecting upon the important aspects of one’s business pros and cons.

            Mr. Paul Heyworth, Director of Business at Orvia Group Limited and Director of the Business Venture Group Limited, provides my second source on the importance of having a business plan. Mr. Heyworth has over 40 years of experience within the business industry with 32 years in the Financial Services Industry and 9 years in the Management Consulting Industry. He feels the “importance of business planning cannot be overlooked even if your business is not seeking finance” (Heyworth, 2009). Heyworth states that it is also useful to have a business plan even if it only benefits oneself. Also that a business plan should clearly recognize a businesses goals and targets because without them, how do you measure what has been achieved? Lastly, Mr. Heyworth conveys how a “business plan gives investors the confidence to invest in your business” (Heyworth, 2009). All of which are very important points to have an established business plan.

            In conclusion, these two experts have given me additional sense as to why I should development my business plan(s) as much as I can. My business plan and processes will give me the ins and outs, pros and cons, and plan of action to run the successful business that I desire.

This is KB and this has been Real to Reel. Now get planning!!!

Furr, N. (2012, February 24). Burn your business plan!. Retrieved from

Furr, N. (2012). Retrieved from

Heyworth, P. (2009). Expert view: Do I need a business plan?. Retrieved from

Heyworth, P. (2012). Retrieved from

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekly Review of John Carter: Disney's Newest Hero

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is KB and I’m back once again with another weekly Real to Reel post and review from on new movies currently in theaters. This past weekend I had the pleasure of viewing a delightful film from Disney called “John Carter”. This movie is clearly one of Disney’s successful installments of non-animated adventure films.

John Carter takes place in the 1800s and between the two worlds of Earth and Mars. Yes, I did say Earth and Mars! The movie opens up in 1881, post civil-war era with our protagonist, main character, John Carter walking through the streets of New York City. Apparently being followed, John Carter has sent an urgent telegram to his nephew, Ned, to “come see him at once”. By the time Ned reaches his uncle, it is revealed that it is too late because John Carter has passed away and left all his rightful belongings to his favorite nephew, Ned.

John Cater has left Ned a large estate and an even larger amount of monetary wealth. Yet of all that Ned acquires in his uncle’s will, it is John Carter’s journal that seems the most important. As Ned reads the journal, it takes him back 13 years to when John Carter’s adventure began. The adventures of John Carter begin in the year of 1868 in New Mexico. As Ned reads on, he learns of his uncle’s fight with the U.S. Union Soldiers and a tribe of Apache Indian bandits. Also of his exploration and findings of gold and a mysterious “Spider” figure.

The story takes a turn for the weird once he goes in description of his deportation from Earth to Mars (or Barsoom as it is called by the natives). John Carter awakens to find himself in a foreign land and realizes that he has supernatural abilities. Ned goes on to read about his uncle’s involvement with the natives and being caught inside of civil war within the planet.

John Cater is definitely an enjoyable movie for all to see. The movie has a well-written story, which includes action,, science fiction, and a love story. This has been one of the best films that I have seen for overall and would definitely recommend it for anyone interested in seeing a well-rounded movie over a warm bag of popcorn and a cold drink.

I will have to give this film a 4.75 out of 5 stars because it doesn’t leave of any indication that there will be a sequel when there should be one.

Once again (as I normally end) this has been Real to Reel and I am KB saying “Be Easy”! Now go see the movie! 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Review: Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance

Photo Courtesy of IMDb (2011)

So as I have promised for the past week or so, I am returning with posts of my latest major film reviews. During this time of the 2012, there have been plenty of interesting movies to choose from for review. This time around, I chose Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance for my subject of review. I am very happy to do so for particular reasons that will become clear throughout this post.

First of all, I have to say that when I first heard during the end of 2011 that a sequel to Ghost Rider would be premiering; I was ecstatic. I began searching various Videos on Demand (VOD) websites such as and to find trailers and sneak peeks for the film. So after patiently awaiting the sequel for one of my favorite films and comic book characters. I was awarded the opportunity to see Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance.

Check out the trailer of the movie for yourself by clicking on the hyperlink for the websites above.

I will be completely honest with my opinion and review of the movie to benefit those that have not had the opportunity to see it as of yet. Let me start off by informing any potential viewers of this film that it has totally separated itself (in storyline) of the first Ghost Rider film.  Although Nicolas Cage has returned to play the famed part of Johnny Blaze/ Ghost Rider, the movie gives no reference to the original Ghost Rider film. After viewing the introduction to Ghost Rider 2, the viewer will notice that it does not coincide with how the original Ghost Rider movie concluded.

Throughout the progression of the movie, I noticed that it focused more on the visual effects rather than the storyline. The movie also never focused on the main trait of the Ghost Rider character when faced with opposition. MY GOODNESS…the Ghost Rider never cast judgment and sucked the soul of anyone that deserved so! The Ghost Rider producers and writers must have overlooked this important aspect of the franchise. What were they thinking?!

In conclusion, for those that believe they will be viewing a continuation of the first film in Spirit of Vengeance; they will be disappointed. It seems as though there should have been another sequel between the two films to give them some sort of connection. I will state that the one eye-catching part of the film would be the backstory of the Ghost Rider character. This gave clarification to the origin of the Ghost Rider, which AGAIN, was the most entertaining part of the movie. It is imperative that I inform those interested in viewing this film to WAIT until this film comes to NETFLIX, Blockbuster, Redbox, or any other DVD/VOD rental service before standing in line and purchasing an overcharged ticket for this film.

So here is my rating for this film for those interested…2.75 out of 5 stars. I simply based this rating on the liking of the visual effects and backstory of the Ghost Rider.

Until next time, this is KB and this has been Real to Reel!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Extra, Extra…Read All About It!!! Infringement On The Loose!

I know as of lately that I have not posted my typical movie reviews and replaced them with other aspects of the entertainment industry. I assure you that I will continue my film reviews soon enough. So let’s get to the matter at hand. I would like to provide additional insight and reviews to my intellectual property infringement within the entertainment industry post that I provided a few weeks ago.

I researched a few podcasts from a credible source to obtain knowledge of various types of infringement and display factual cases for examples. I found them to be very informative to anyone interested about the legalities within the entertainment industry. I have included those podcasts as well as my views and opinions for the readers to take a look at themselves.

1.     Entertainment Law Update Podcast
Episode 8 – Rights of Publicity, Et. Al.
Speakers – Gordon Firemark, Esp. and Tamara Bennett
January 25, 2009

In this podcast, Mr. Gordon Firemark, Esq. (Los Angeles) and Ms. Tamara Bennett (Dallas-Fort Worth) discuss several (actual) cases of “Intellectual Property Rights” and their infringement. Within the cases were infringements such as Trademark Infringement and Copyright Infringement and whether “Fair Use” was practiced. Most of the discussed cases dealt with major entertainment companies and/or celebrities. After listening to the discussion of podcast, I gained a stronger sense to protect all IP (Intellectual Property) works whether big or small. In other words, no matter if the IP are photos that my company will use to promote and/or advertise business or a film that my company has produced…protect it!

2.     Entertainment Law Update Podcast
Episode 13 – Copyrights, Trademarks, Fair Use, and Net Profit.
Speakers – Gordon Firemark, Esq. and Tamara Bennett
August 25, 2010

In this particular podcast, Mr. Firemark, Esq. and Ms. Bennett discuss further practices of copyrights and trademarks. They also go into detail about “Fair Use” and the need for license agreements. The speakers use actual cases in which opposing parties did not have a license agreement between them. Thus resulting in court cases of copyright and trademark infringement. This podcast was very enlightening because people can be misinformed on how the misuse of another’s derivative work(s) or trademark(s) and logo(s) can become a violation. In conclusion, I have learned that no matter what type of item(s) a person(s) intends to use…Ensure that it does not belong to someone else. If so, gain permission to use that particular item(s) or else it could become costly.

3.     Entertainment Law Update Podcast
Episode 22 – Violent Games, (anti) Slapps and other painless fun.
Speakers – Gordon Firemark, Esq. and Tamara Bennett
July 14, 2011

Gordon Firemark, Esq. and Tamara Bennett speak on subjects and items that others do not typically discuss. Cases such as the popular Mike Tyson/ Hangover II tattoo were used to display a violation of Trademark Infringement even on items such as tattoos. Other cases discussed the use of the Copyright Act and Copyright Infringement for other fields such as the Video Game and Mobile Phone Industries. As a fan of tattoos, mobile phones and video games, this podcast has given me a sense of insight towards items outside of the film and music industry where these violations happen more often. Since listening to this particular podcast, I have kept an watchful eye of all items within my company that will be used to promote and advertise. Also those that will be used in the everyday operations of my business.

Final Thought

These podcasts were very informative and definitely gave me additional insight on the practices of copyrights, trademarks, and fair use within the entertainment industry. I plan to use this information to build a stronger practices for my business plan and operations.

If you would like to check out Mr. Gordon Firemark, Esq. and Ms. Tamara Bennett podcast and/ or contact them here is their information:

Gordon Firemark, Esq. website:
Tamara Bennett website:

Until the next time...this is KB and this has been Real to Reel.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Violations within the Film Industry...Ready, Set, Copyright!

                    (Photo taken from Media Institute)

How many times have you seen this sign and others similar to it on your DVDs? Have you ever paid any attention to them? So you guys know that I am a film buff and would even go a little further to call myself a film fanatic. Being so, one has to not only pay close attention to what is taking place on the silver screen but also know about that which occurs behind the scenes as well. So for your knowledge, I will provide some information and insight on the area of legal issues and liabilities within the film industry. I will start off by defining and giving examples, in forms of recent and actual legal cases, of those particular legal liabilities such as copyright infringement, trademark infringement, and intellectual property clearance violation.

Let’s begin with copyright infringement, which according to the U.S. Copyright Office, “occurs when a copyrighted work is made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner” (U.S. Copyright Office, 2012). This is a very simple and informative statement that carries a lot of weight. There are many legal cases in which copyright infringement takes place for a multitude of reasons.

One particular case, that I remember pretty well, that dealt with this legal issue was centered around the film documentary “More than a Game”, which happens to be one of my favorite films. The film gives a visual account of LeBron James and his childhood friends/teammates’ bond and ascension through basketball. The film did very well with the audiences and film critics but did not go without its share of problems. The chant that the teammates used within the movie, “We Ready”, was remixed “into a hip hop song, by an artist named Ya Boy and put into the film’s soundtrack” (E. Gardner, 2011). A lawsuit between a Mr. Mason Hall and Lionsgate Films soon followed due to Mr. Hall stating that he composed a copyrighted version of the same song and title. Before Mr. Hall could pursue his case of “copyright infringement”, “he had to convince a judge that his song in question is really his” (E. Gardner, 2011).

The next liability is trademark infringement, which is a “violation of exclusive rights that are attached to a trademark without the authorization of the trademark owner” (Forbes, 2010). Being a big fan of the Godfather Trilogy and Marlon Brando, I’ve read about a lawsuit between Brando Enterprises and Rooms To Go. Sounds like two things that definitely have no comparison right?! Anyway, the case between the two parties claimed that Rooms To Go unlawfully violated trademark rights by naming a line of “sofas and sectionals as the Brando” (E. Gardner, 2011).

My final legal controversy would be that of intellectual property clearance violation, which is another form of copyright infringement. Many cases of clearance violation happen on a reoccurring basis over the use of intellectual property such as literary, music, etc. One case that sticks out in my mind would be that of the movie “All Things Fall Apart” starring Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and Mario Van Peebles. The film went through a title change because it never received clearance from famed author Chinua Achebe, whom wrote the 1958 classic novel “Things Fall Apart”, which the film was originally titled. “50 Cent tried to settle out of court and receive use of the title by offering Achebe’s Foundation $1 Million dollars, but the foundation refused” (BET, 2011). These events and the final renaming of the film prolonged the release of the movie until the following year.

These cases reflect many of the legal issues that occur within the film industry. These legal issues are easy to occur without the proper time and attention being used to give the proper credit and/or gain the proper clearance. All of the cases presented could have been avoided by taking the proper precautions and research. So next time you watch your favorite film, take a minute and ponder the legalities that occurred to get it to the silver screen. Also make sure to pay attention to the copyright and trademark violation screenshots at the beginning and end of the film. DON”T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!

                       (Picture taken from the Media Institute)


(E. Gardner, 2011.) Hollywood Reporter. Lionsgate Sued Over Music Used In LeBron James Documentary. Retrieved from:

(E. Gardner, 2011.) Hollywood Reporter. Marlon Brando Estate Sues Over "Brando" Sofas. Retrieved from:

(BET Staff, 2011.) BET Music. Famed Nigerian Author Wins Legal Battle Against 50 Cent. Retrieved from:

(K. Watson, 2010.) Forbes. Crash Course In Trademark Infringement. Retrieved from: 

(No Author, 2012.) U.S. Copyright Office. Definitions. Retrieved from: 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Getting that Script Out there!!!

For some time now I have been practicing my screenplay writing skills (thanks to Final Draft) and have not pursued the act of actually have my script published. Since taking my current class at Full Sail University, I have become interested in the processes of publishing and distribution. I have found the process of publishing scripts, which will assist me in the next step of getting my script to the silver screen. Now having a step-by-step process, in my opinion, is the best knowledge that any aspiring person can receive. So I have listed some very important steps for publishing a script, which I am using as we speak to publish my own script.

Here we go:

·      First of all, one must ensure that the script that you planned to turn in is formatted and edited correctly. The script must also have research information and a voice that speaks directly to its audience. In this case, we want it to speak clear enough to for the right persons to hear and take it straight to the silver screen.

·      Secondly, begin writing query letters to a few agents (minimum of 3). Within the letters, ensure to include the genre of the script and a treatment.

·      Next, search for a literary agent. They can be located via industry referrals or union directories.

·      The next move will be to join a union. This move will help with the publication process by providing a support system. The union can help with the availability of your work to studios and producers. Also the union can provide the author with legitimism and originality. For the publication of the script.

·      Lastly and most importantly, copyright (protect) your work! Make sure that you contact the U.S. Copyright Office to obtain the needed application and list of fees.  I cannot stress the importance of this step enough. This process will prevent copyright infringement and publication of your material.

Hopefully the information I have provided you will be beneficial to you as it is for me. This is KB and this has been Real to Reel.


From Cutting Room Floor to the Big Screen

So since I have been attending Full Sail University for the past year and I have learned a tremendous amount about the entertainment industry.  What is most exciting is that I have been learning about the Film industry that I did not learn in my undergraduate studies of Film and Theater. I learn about the production side of thing but now I am experiencing the business side of the house.

            So I’m currently taking a Media Publishing and Distribution class in which I learn the concepts of, you’ve guess it, publishing and distribution within the entertainment industry.  Now this is exciting to me because I have always had an interest in how a film makes it from the production studio to the movie theater. So now that I am able to gather the information on this particular process, let’s take a look at it. Now I will use bullets to individualize each step for clarification:

From Cutting Room Floor to the Big Screen

·      Idea for movie is presented. (This is where the screenplay would be written)
·      Treatment is written and presented to promote interest in the Film (idea)/screenplay.
·      A studio or investor purchases rights to the Film.
·      The film production team (director, producer, etc.) is brought together to make the film.
·      The film production is completed and the film is sent to the studio.
·      A licensing agreement is completed between the studio and distribution company. (To ensure the power that both entities have over the control of the film)
·      The distribution company determines how many copies (prints) of the film to make.
·      The distribution company shows the movie (screening) to buyers representing the theaters.
·      Negotiation between the Distribution Company and theater(s) determine which movies will be leased and the terms of the lease agreement.
·      Prints of the movie are sent to the theaters days before the official release date. (Gives time for additional promotions)
·      The movie shows for a specific number of weeks (engagement). (Determined in the negotiations between the distribution company and theaters)
·      The step we all know and love: We buy our ticket and enjoy the movie (or not).
·      The engagement ends and the theater send the movie back to the distribution company and make a payment on the lease agreement.

As you see here there are a lot of steps to get those films you have loved, currently like, and desire to see in the future into the theater. Those steps take place before and after we enjoy them in our local theaters. This has been a very informative topic for me and I hope that it was for you guys as well.  So for those, like myself, that desire to have a screenplay reach the majors; these steps should help you as they have helped me.

This is KB and this has been Real to Real.
