Sunday, October 16, 2011

Interview with "Lucky" of Wet Dreamz Promotions

Ok ladies and gents…I had the pleasure of sitting down for an interview with Mr. Stuart Bynes of Wet Dreamz Promotionz, Inc. of Charlotte, NC. Mr. Bynes or better yet “Lucky” (which he asked me to call him) is the Founder and CEO of an primarily hip-hop, rap, and rhythm and blues genre parties and events and private entertainment promotion company that is primarily based out of Charlotte, NC with plans to branch out nationally by the end of this year. So with interviewing him on a professional manner, I was able to dive into his business realm and get the inside scoop on how he wheels and deals in the negotiation realm of his business.

KB: Mr. Bynes, I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with me today.

Lucky: It’s cool….I had time to do it but just call me “Lucky”.

KB: Well ok Lucky. First of all, I have to ask how did you come about a name like that?

Lucky: Well we’ll just say it definitely fits my persona and it came about while doing my time in the US Marines.

KB: Ok, I definitely hear you Lucky and I must say that I also did my time in the Armed Forces for the US Army.

Lucky: Cool! Well you definitely know that a lot of situations we dealt with resulted in so-called “Lucky” results and I had a LOT of them! (Laughs)

KB: I definitely feel you! (Laughs) Well let me get this interview underway so I don’t take up too much of your time.

Lucky: Cool! (I see he says that a lot)

KB: So Lucky, how did you come about getting into the promoting game?

Lucky: Well it came about in a way that I honestly didn’t even think it would happen.

KB: What do you mean?

Lucky: Well I love clubs and parties. Everything about them; from the crowds of people and the way that they are enjoying themselves and all the factors surrounding it.

KB: Ok. Definitely understand that. So you would say that your love of clubbing inspired your now promoting of parties?

Lucky: No. It wasn’t just that. It actually came one night when a friend asked me to help him with his birthday party. He wanted the club where he was having it packed, especially with females, and I did my thing. The rest is history I guess because it popped off with a major bang and people loved it. My boy spread my name throughout the “Queen City” (Charlotte, NC) and next thing I know I was promoting parties for everyone from local celebrities to athletes and everyone in between.

KB: Alright, so they definitely call you “Lucky” for a reason.

Lucky: Yea and I embrace it.

KB: Well let me get into reason of the interview and why I wanted to sit down and speak with you.

Lucky: Ok shoot.

KB: I want to know how you negotiate with your clients. How do you get the result that you want out of the deals that you have when you negotiate with your clients?

Lucky: Well first of all, you must remember that every deal is an opportunity to exceed your business. Not saying that they will always be easy. Promoting is a hard game just as any other aspect in entertainment.

KB: Can you explain?

Lucky: Ok, well I will say it like this. Every client is not an easy client to work with and some you can never work with or complete a project with due to difference of opinions.

KB: Okay. Well I definitely know you don’t want to approach a deal with negative emotions.

Lucky: Oh hell no! You want to stay professional and cordial at all times but definitely step up and speak your mind when you need to.

KB: I feel you. I appreciate that advice. Are there any other ways you negotiate your deals? I am trying to find out how do you get what you want out of agreements.

Lucky: Oh that’s simple. I am straight up and honest with all of my clients from the start. I ask them what they want and I tell them what I am able to perform. I let my name and work do the major talking for me. People know when they come to me for any type of promotion that they are getting quality work.

KB: So you use your status and role as a major player in the entertainment promotion game to help you to land more work and beneficial, mutual agreements with your clients?

Lucky: Exactly! It’s all about supply and demand.

KB: (Laughs) Ok. I definitely understand that.

Lucky: It’s all about giving the customer what they want and in return for me giving them that I get what I want.

KB: And that is?

Lucky: More business…more opportunity…and more money.

KB: Well I can honestly say that I have attended a few of your CIAA tournament parties and I see that time and energy was definitely put into them. Let me ask this though; why do you not promote yourself as much as your parties?

Lucky: Well because I learned that exclusive parties are where the big business is at and word of mouth is actually the best promotion tool and will always be.

KB: Enough said. I definitely learned a t lot from you and am grateful for your time this evening.

Lucky: Cool! No prob. It’s been a pleasure as well. Be easy.

KB: You do the same.

Well there you have it! I had and interesting and informative sit-down with Lucky of Wet Dreamz Entertainment. Also was able to get clear insight on his style of negotiating as well. Definitely check him out at this upcoming 2012 CIAA tournament week-long festivities and your next uptown Charlotte heavy-hitting party! I know I will be. Make sure to tune into these websites to check out any Wet Dreamz promoted parties: - coming soon 

This is KB and this has been Real to Reel.

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