Monday, June 20, 2011

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer

(Photo Courtesy of

Now I had the displeasure of seeing a Film that I honestly felt should have went straight to video and been available at your local Red Box or Blockbuster kiosk for that $1 rental fee. So I have intentions of taking my oldest daughter to see another film, but she was intent on seeing The "Judy Moody" we went! Anything for the kids right?!

The "Judy Moody" wasn't bad but it definitely lack that substance that "Wimpy Kid" definitely has. Out of the entire movie, I only recognized two people! We have Opal (played by Heather Graham) and Mr. Todd (played by Jaleel White) to give this movie a familiar feel. Now I will state this is definitely a kids movie and that (from the laughter and reactions from my daughter) kids love this book adaptation film. I laughed a couple of times at Mr. Todd's haircut and even the way that Judy Moody's (played by Jordana Beatty) little brother, Stink (played by Parris Mostellar), spoke. Just be prepared to think of what you have to do for the week/ weekend or play with those newly bought apps on your IPhone or Android. I think that I enjoyed the time spent with my daughter rather than the movie itself as I should, so the money was well worth it.

I will give this film a 2.5 Reels and say that you should wait until it comes out on DVD and pick it up from Red Box or Blockbuster on a night when you wanna give the kids something different to watch.  

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